A big pile of travel plugs, sun cream bottles, face flannels and other toiletries on a pink furry rug next to an empty white storage box

Blogtober 2024 : Day 16

Well, today was not the day I expected it to be! Lying in bed this morning, I could hear the rain outside and the ticking of the radiators as the heating came on, and...

A selection of children's story books lying on a wooden table

Blogtober 2024 : Day 15

Tuesday!  What’s your day been like?  I’ve been rootling through bookshelves today.  It must have been all the decluttering I was talking about with my girls at the weekend, and I’ve been going through...

A circular footpath direction sign on a wooden post with a muddy footpath across a green field in the background

Blogtober 2024 : Day 14

Ooh, it’s gone really cold today!  The sun shone but the air definitely felt colder than it has done and I think I’m going to have to think about trying to find my mittens!...

A burnt loaf with the end cut off sits on a chopping board surrounded by crumbs

Blogtober 2024 : Day 13

We dropped not so small daughter off at the station just before 6pm.  She was hoping to stay until tomorrow but one of her lectures was rearranged so she’s had to go tonight, but...

Blogtober 2024 : Day 12

It’s Saturday and here’s a run-down of my day so far. 4.00am    The dog wanted a biscuit 8.00am   My husband brought me a cup of tea in bed.  Ah, such a luxury, I...

A hand holding a match to start a fire. There are already flames around the kindling

Blogtober 2024 : Day 11

How is it Friday evening already?! I hope you’ve had a good day today.  After all the excitement of the aurora last night I was far too excited to sleep and consequently, didn’t want...
