Blogtober 2024 : Day 11

How is it Friday evening already?!

I hope you’ve had a good day today.  After all the excitement of the aurora last night I was far too excited to sleep and consequently, didn’t want to get up this morning!

Today, I’ve been out for lunch with some friends, done some accounting stuff for my day job, a few loads of laundry, changed the sheets … and picked not so small daughter up from the station!  She’s here for the weekend and has not stopped talking about her course, her friends, her new climbing hobby and the fun she’s having all the way home in the car, all the way through dinner and all the way round the block with the dog.  She’s now headed upstairs for a soak in the bath and it seems absurdly quiet downstairs – it’s so good to have her home!

In another part of the house, it’s time to light the fire and snuggle up to knit and watch something on TV before heading to bed a bit earlier than I did last night!

A hand holding a match to start a fire. There are already flames around the kindling

I’ll see you tomorrow! xx



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