Blogtober 2024 : Day 12

It’s Saturday and here’s a run-down of my day so far.

4.00am    The dog wanted a biscuit

8.00am   My husband brought me a cup of tea in bed.  Ah, such a luxury, I love it!

8.30am    I went downstairs to feed the cats and the dog, had some breakfast and sat and knitted for a bit, expecting not so small daughter to appear at any moment.

11.30am   There was still no sign of not so small daughter so I went to find her, buried deep in a nest of duvet and pillows.

12.50pm   There was still no sign of not so small daughter, but I had heard the shower and the hairdryer so at least she had managed to drag herself out of bed!

4.30pm  We have been out to the Post Office to get some documentation verified – not so small daughter is planning her next travel adventures!  Yes, that is adventures plural … she and her friends from her Nepal trip this summer have all signed up to work at Camp America next year, and after sending off documentation for various identity checks, are now waiting for interviews to see where they might be offered a place.  As if that wasn’t travel excitement enough, not so small daughter has also signed up for a charity challenge walk at university – and the walk is up Kilimanjaro!  Goodness, this girl is getting about!  Still, she might as well go whilst she can as it all becomes so much more difficult once jobs, mortgages and families are in the picture.  Not impossible, and some families do still do all these adventures, but it is easier when it’s just one 18 year old to think about!

We got home just in time as the heavens opened and the rain bounced for about twenty minutes before giving way to sunshine and wind whistling round the house – you need all the layers on at the moment because you never know what the weather is going to do!

I took a few snaps of the garden to show you today.  Autumn is well and truly here as the leaves are starting to change colour on some of the plants, but in my flower border, there are still flowers and I’ve been very happy with how it’s grown this first year.

It’s been so nice to see colour and proper plants this year instead of weeds and poor neglected raised veg beds!  I am looking forward to seeing how everything grows next year when it’s had a year to become established.

4.50pm  Time to start dinner.  See you tomorrow!



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6 Responses

  1. Susan Rayner says:

    The photographs from the garden are wonderful – everything seemed to be so late this year as we had that very cold and wet spring that went on for ages – now things are still flowering as if to make up for it.
    Huge admiration for small daughter’s planned adventures – I hope she gets a place for Camp America and Kilimanjaro sounds very exciting. One of my friend’s daughters is still travelling in her early thirties having got the bug during University. Just saying!
    Happy Weekend.

  2. Ruthie says:

    you’re quite right, much easier to do it while you are young. well done to your daughter for having the guts to do it!

  3. Nancy Damico says:

    Thank you for sharing the pictures of you lovely flowers. They brightened my day and took my mind away from all my concerns.


  4. Audrey says:

    you’re daughter should do what she likes doing now .She’s young .When she’s married and telling her kids her stories .No doubt they will catch the bug too .love my very small garden flowers still blooming. My wild flower have grown no end with the rain but no flowers this year .So fingers crossed next year .Enjoy your weekend

  5. Ann says:

    Beautiful flowers and perfect colours for sock wool

  6. laura miller says:

    Garden pics are beautiful. My stepdad climbed Kilimanjaro twice and my best advice is to train hard for the altitude. He trained but still suffered with some symptoms. Good luck! xx

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