Blogtober 2024 : Day 13

We dropped not so small daughter off at the station just before 6pm.  She was hoping to stay until tomorrow but one of her lectures was rearranged so she’s had to go tonight, but not before we filled her full of Sunday dinner and filled her bags with clean clothes, sheets, towels and a loaf of fresh bread.

I’ve had two goes at baking a loaf today.  The first one didn’t go so well …

A burnt loaf with the end cut off sits on a chopping board surrounded by crumbs

I set the timer for the oven, went upstairs with my brew and completely forgot about it until about an hour later, by which time it was beyond saving.  My husband loves “oven bottom” bread but I think this was too oven-bottomed even for him!  Luckily, I had another loaf on the go so I moved the dough to a warmer place to prove and it was ready in time to go back to uni with not so small daughter.  Phew!

We’ve had a good day today – we’ve transferred her ISA to another provider to save money on the fees (I am making sure that my girls are starting early with their tax-free savings!) and we’ve set up a table in the spare room as a photography station.  Our spare room has been ridiculously full of boxes of stuff that both my girls had left there when they moved either into another bedroom or to another house, and my plan is to work my way through it all so that we can actually have visitors stay in the room again!  I am a recent convert to Vinted (I’ve been using Ebay for years) and we spent a couple of hours this afternoon ironing and photographing clothes that were either shoved in bags in the spare room or big daughter brought with her from her new house ready to put online to sell.  We do also donate to charity, but sometimes we choose to sell things ourselves and then we can give money to charity (and perhaps more than they would have sold the items for) if we want to.

A girl in black joggers stands at an ironing board in a hallway. There are bags of clothes on the floor A green sweatshirt folded up on a cardboard photography board on a wooden table

I am also planning to use the table for getting on with the Sockalong videos that I have procrastinated about making for far too long.  I’m a step nearer now with a space where I can leave my lights and tripod set up for a short while, so at least I’m making some kind of progress!

I am, however, making good progress with my Winter Haven KAL sock pattern …

A partly-knitted green striped sock on a wooden table next to the ball of yarn

I’m going to keep it a secret for a bit longer, but I can tell you that it’s all one colour (ie, no contrasts) and it’s turning out to be an easy pattern to memorise, and it’s a good pattern for anybody to wear so I am very happy with how it’s coming along!

I’ve realised that I’ve managed to get myself a bit behind with replying to your comments but I will catch up next week!  This weekend has disappeared in a bit of a blur which has been so lovely and my heart was full to bursting as all four of us sat at the table to eat our Sunday dinner, and I know I will miss the noise next week when everybody is busy doing their own thing.  I will be very glad of the conversations that you and I have then!

I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend too, and I’ll see you again tomorrow xx



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1 Response

  1. Rachel says:

    What a productive weekend you’ve had! It’s nice to get to the end of it and feel like its a weekend well spent!

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