Blogtober 2024 : Day 2

It’s been a long and busy day today – I’ve been up to Skipton to see a fab friend who crochets and also happens to be Blogtobering, but more about that visit tomorrow – so I thought that today, I would just pick out a few things that have made me smile recently.


💜  I was away at the weekend spending time with one of my oldest friends (not in age, just in how long I’ve known her!) and as she lives at the other end of the country, we decided to meet up in Leamington Spa as that’s about half way between us.  I’ve never been there before but it’s a lovely town – it reminded me of a cross between Buxton and Bath with its pump rooms and Victorian parks, and we also discovered that it caters very well for coeliacs so if you have gluten issues and are fed up with never being offered any decent choices on menus, we can recommend the place!  We ate at The Drawing Board, Cote Brasserie and Rosie’s Tearoom and it was such a relief for my friend to feel “normal” with a menu!

We haven’t met up in person for about 3 years so you would be right if you thought there was a lot of chat – and a lot of tea drunk this weekend too!

Vintage china tea cups on matching saucers on a table covered with a white table cloth


💜  It’s October so it is officially autumn now – and although I don’t need any excuse to wear my Autumn Leaves socks at any time of the year, I feel like I can definitely wear them now!

A pair of socks in stripes of brown, red, green and gold on a pair of feet.  The person wearing them is wearing jeans and the feet are resting on a wooden floor


💜  A rare lunch with my husband yesterday.  He is usually out and about during the day so I don’t see him at lunchtime but we managed to meet up in the kitchen for long enough to eat together and chat for a while before his next meeting.  I’m still baking our own bread – I first found this recipe during this year’s Winter Haven KAL and I make a loaf a couple of times a week now; it’s so easy and fits in really well to our lifestyle.  The recipe is for a white loaf but if you scroll down the comments of the tutorial post, you’ll see that I’ve commented on how to turn it brown as I worked it out, and I usually add a handful of seeds to our brown loaf too 🙂

Slices of home made bread on a wooden chopping board.  There is a tomato on the board, and a pair of man's hands cutting another tomato with a knife

Such a simple lunch yesterday – fresh bread, tomatoes, ham, cream cheese, olives and hummus – but it was delicious!


I’ve remembered that Blogtober does this – it reminds of the tagline of my blog, “Looking for the extraordinary in the everyday”, because sometimes I forget to do that.  Here’s to a month of the extraordinary!



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12 Responses

  1. Margaret says:

    Glad you’re doing Blogtober again. That was how I found your blog a few years ago, when the Googles figured out I’d click on knitting-related stuff, and I’ve been reading ever since.

    • winwickmum says:

      That’s wonderful to hear, thank you! The Googles know far too many things … but I have also found out so much stuff myself that I can’t really complain! 🙂 xx

  2. Barbara says:

    Ooh that bread looks delicious. I’ll check out the recipe. I can almost smell it from here. Love the colour of those socks, autumn shades are definitely me. What would we do without our hand knitted socks this time of year. Glad you had a great weekend. I can imagine all the chatter. B x

    • winwickmum says:

      Oh my life, we DID NOT STOP talking! I had completely run out of words by the time I got home! 🙂 The bread is so easy, I would definitely recommend giving it a go! 🙂 xx

  3. I love your last paragraph, how blogtober pushes us to find the extraordinary in the ordinary; it’s a big part of why I love blogging still, even when it feels like screaming into the void, and especially Blogtober, when we need to find something to write about every day.

    How lovely to catch up with a friend after so long! Sounds like a fabulous weekend

    • winwickmum says:

      Hello again to you too! Blogtober is such a good month to get back into both writing and reading blogs, isn’t it? I’m glad you’re joining in again – just been to visit! 🙂 xx

  4. Anne says:

    Oh, that bread looks delicious, do use use a bread maker.

  5. Gill says:

    The bread looks delicious. It’s ages since I made bread. Think bread and home made soup………yummy

  6. Susan Rayner says:

    An old friend and former neighbour is living in Leamington Spa now – I must go up there – she is very happy there and it would be lovely to see her again. Thank you for recommending it for a visit.
    The socks are gorgeous. My favourite colours for this time of year.

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