Blogtober 2024 : Day 8

It’s been one whole week of Blogtober and if you’re still here, I’m sending you a big hug to say thank you! 🙂

It’s a quick post today as I’ve been out to see the chiropractor and to help big daughter tidy up in her new house.  They didn’t hire a removal van as they were moving just around the corner, but the downside to the many trips up and down the new house has been that they haven’t packed in quite the same way as you might do if a removal company was coming to take everything in one go.  I think now the adrenaline of moving and having to be out of the rental house is wearing off, the thought of having to find somewhere for all their stuff to go is feeling a bit overwhelming, and I was glad I could do something to help.

The chiropractor was very pleased that I have been diligently doing my stretches and exercises every morning.  We’ve got a hard floor in our bedroom so I’ve taken to doing them on landing and as you can see, one of my furry personal trainers is demonstrating how to relax after doing them …

A calico cat with white, black and ginger fur lies on a grey carpet and partly across a laptop computer showing stretching exercises.

At the moment, although I know that doing your stretches as soon as you get out of bed is the best way not to forget about them, I’m finding that it’s better for me to be up and moving for a bit first.  I’ve been going downstairs to feed the cats and the dog and make a brew, and I was doing my stretches on the rug in the living room, but apparently that is just an invitation for furry personal trainers to sit on you like conquering heroes …

A calico cat with white, black and ginger fur sits on a person doing back exercises lying on the floor with legs raised A tabby and white cat sits on a person doing back exercises lying on floor with legs raised

and when the dog tried to sit on me as well, I knew this was never going to work and now I just do them all upstairs.   Honestly, they were taking it in turns, I nearly did myself another injury because I was laughing too much!

I’ve just realised that the photo of Astrid looks a bit rude but she had just started washing her face as I took the photo!


Finally, in today’s very quick post, there is some progress on the Winter Haven KAL sock at last!  Woohoo!  I’ve got the pattern and I’ve made a start as I want to try to get the pattern finished well before Christmas.  I always knit the Winter Haven KAL sock designs in Winwick Mum yarn because I can ( 🙂 ) and I’m using Spring Green this year.  I do think this pattern will look good in any of the colours so I’ll see how I get on and I might knit a second pair in another colour to show you.

A knitted sock cuff in green striped yarn on a circular needle. On the table next to the knitting is a stitch marker in the shape of a thistle, an orange mug of tea and a ball of green striped yarn


And that’s me done for today!  Thanks again for all your comments, and for your emails too – it turns out that I can read them far faster than I can reply to them, but I will do!

See you tomorrow! xx


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2 Responses

  1. Barbara says:

    Your cats had me chortling. What are they like. The make relaxing an art form. Looking forward to hearing about your Cal and I’m sure your daughter’s home will look more lived in soon. Our eldest is talking about moving and I’m dreading it. Hopefully he will be a little more organised than his last move lol!

  2. Alice says:

    What lovely cats….they always have to be in on the action don’t they!

    Glad your back is improving, mine tends to misbehave too, morning stretches are so good. I would forget to do them if I left them until later.

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