Blogtober 2024 : Day 9

Brr, it’s been a cold one today in our house.  We’ve had a plumber round replacing the thermostats on our radiators as most of them were broken and would only work if you pulled the pin up and down with a pair of pliers, which isn’t the most efficient way to heat your house.  He’s had a hosepipe out of the front door all day as he drained the system which meant the door couldn’t close and it’s a good job it wasn’t colder!  Anyway, it’s all done now, the radiators have been on to test the system and our house is toasty warm!

My plan for today was to keep on knitting the Winter Haven KAL sock that I showed you yesterday, but when I came to have a closer look at this morning, it wasn’t quite right.

Unravelled green yarn on a wooden table next to an open laptop and the rest of the ball of yarn

Oh, this happens all the time when I’m designing.  I’ll unravel a project several times until I’m completely happy with it – sometimes it’s not just about the pattern itself but how I am going to write it to make it easy to knit, and I will keep going until I get it right.  Incidentally, this is one of the reasons that I love West Yorkshire Spinners yarn as it is very forgiving of me unravelling it and you won’t be able to tell once the socks are knitted.

I started again …

A hand is holding a short circular needle with a green sock cuff on it.  There's a cat sitting on the person's knee, unravelled yarn on a wooden table and an open laptop in front of the knitter

and fortunately, the supervisor was too busy snoozing to want to help untangle the yarn!

That’s been about the sum total of my day.  I have to try not to get frustrated when I think I’m going to get more done than I actually do because nothing that you do is ever wasted effort, and some days are just like this, aren’t they?

It was veg box day so that arrived in time for dinner …

A brown cardboard box containing a paper bag of potatoes, carrots, onions, cauliflower and Romanesco

This week, we got potatoes, onions, carrots, mushrooms, cauliflower, Romanesco and leeks. I moved the mushrooms so you could see the rest and by the time I took this, the leeks were in a pan with some potatoes and cooking into a soup which I ate after taking the dog for a quick (and late) walk.  I think that leek and potato soup is my very favourite soup.  I don’t do anything fancy with it, I don’t even bother to sauté the veg, and it always turns out well.  If you’re interested, I wrote up the recipe for my leek and potato soup quite a few years ago and it’s not changed at all!

There’s something so lovely about coming into a house after being out, especially in the dark, and dinner is waiting for you in the oven.  I blitzed the soup in the blender (we are Team Smooth Soup in this house), warmed up some bread and dinner was served.

A bowl of pale green soup next to a yellow plate with sliced bread on it.  There is also a pepper grinder and a wine glass next to the bowl

Yes, that might be a glass of wine, and yes, it is a school night but I have been up since early moving things and cleaning ready for the radiator work to be done (have visitors for any reason is such an incentive to hurry round with the vacuum cleaner, isn’t it? 🤣) and I felt like it!

And now, my knitting is calling to me as I would like to at least try to get up to where I was before I ripped it all out again (twice – I did it again after that photo!) before I go to bed.

I’ll see you tomorrow! xx



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1 Response

  1. Corinne says:

    It must be the autumnal weather… I made soup today, too, but mine was tomato and lentil. Just a tin of chopped tomatoes, a chopped onion, a couple of handfuls of red lentils, stock, extra water and cook for 10 – 15 minutes until everything is cooked and soft. I like it blitzed too with some nice bread!
    I love the colour of the sock yarn. It’s quite spring like… something to look forward to. 😉
    Please look after yourself while helping with moving things. I’m conscious of getting older so I’m trying to work on my core and leg strength.

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