Helical Knitting ebook giveaway
The giveaway is now closed. Thank you to everyone who has entered, I’ll let you know who’s won as soon as I can!
Hello, hello, it’s Friday already! I hope you’ve had a lovely week.
Thank you so much for all your comments on my last couple of posts and, of course, the Amory Socks which went live on Monday to help with the fundraising contribution for the Flower Power Fund. It still feels very strange to me to put a pattern out for sale so I have appreciated your support!
In a change from the post that I had planned (I am sure you can wait for more photos of my tomato plants 🙂 ), I’m going to write instead about helical knitting. When I first showed you the socks that I was making using the helical knitting technique that I found on the AC Knitwear website, I had no idea that they would cause so much interest!
I finished my socks the other day and I am so very pleased with them! The two colours blend together as if they were made for each other, and there is no way at all that you can spot where one colour round starts and the other ends – it’s as if you have one ball of striped yarn!
Here’s where I started back in the middle of May. The two yarns that I’m using are a purple hand-dyed sock yarn from The Knitting Goddess which I bought at Yarndale way back in 2014, and a ball of Regia Mosaik Color 4ply in shade 05560. I hadn’t quite found the pattern I wanted to use for either of them, so I decided that I would make the most of the enforced time at home to learn something new and blend them together in helical stripes.
Helical knitting (also known as helix knitting) is a technique that allows you to work completely jogless stripes into your knitting. This makes it perfect for stripey socks like mine where I’m working with two balls of yarn but don’t want to carry a float up the inside of the sock, and also for stash-busting where you might have smaller lengths of yarn that you want to include but don’t quite have enough to create a full project of stripes (there are the ends to deal with in that case, of course, but I’m going to conveniently ignore those today 🙂 )
It’s something that I’ve seen quite a lot of in various projects on social media but have never had time to really investigate. There’s plenty about the technique online and no shortage of tutorials, but I chose to use the one by Jen from Arnall-Culliford Knitwear. Jen works with her husband Jim and is a knitting tech editor and designer who has written many articles for magazines that I have read over the years, so the decision to use her tutorial out of the extensive choice that we’re always faced with online was an easy one for me.
Jen has produced several helical technique videos including one on how to knit with more than two yarns to create your stripes (I think that one is next on my list!) – and there’s an ebook to accompany her helical knitting tutorials called Something New to Learn about Helical Knitting which has different projects in it. I hadn’t thought any further than socks (no surprises there, I don’t often think any further than socks!) but of course this technique lends itself to hats, cowls, mittens … I definitely had one of those “Wow, why did I wait so long?!” moments!
Jen has very kindly offered two copies of her ebook for me to give away to you so that you can learn more about the technique and try out the projects if you’d like to.

Source: www.acknitwear.co.uk Photo credit: Jesse Wild
The ebook contains photo tutorials and there are video tutorials to accompany them on the website. There are four chapters covering basic helical stripes (including working them in garter stitch), adding shaping and working muti-round stripes. That’s definitely something for you to get your teeth into whilst we’re waiting to get back out into the world again!

Source: www.acknitwear.co.uk Photo credit: Jesse Wild
If you can’t wait to see if you win, Jen’s set up a 20% off discount code for the ebook – it’s WINWICK20 – CLICK HERE to go to her website or HERE to go to the Ravelry page. This code is valid until 30 June 2020 and can’t be used with any other offer. This is not an affiliate link.
All you have to do to enter the giveaway is tell me how many patterns (not bonus patterns) there are in the book. You can find that information on the book website by clicking HERE, and then put that number in the comments. Don’t forget that you’ll need to add your name as well (no other personal details though!) in case your comment lists you as anonymous, and don’t worry that your comment won’t show straight away as they are all moderated to reduce spam – they sit safely on a list until I can check them! The giveaway closes at 8pm BST on Sunday 7 June 2020 and I’ll draw two winners as soon as I can after that using the Random.org widget. Jen will then arrange to get your ebook to you if you win.
Ooo, i took Jen's class on helical knitting a couple of years ago at eyf, but have yet to use the technique! Maybe having the book will inspire me! There are 7 patterns and my name is Susie Burdett
7 Julie Lewis
This sounds like a fascinating technique,
Seven patterns,
There are 7 patterns in the book 🙂 not heard of this technique before I seen your socks, what a lovely giveaway
Seven patterns! Gina
7 patterns 🙂
7 patterns… beautiful socks!
7 patterns in total in the book. Trying this method out on some socks right now and would love to learn more �� Val Newell
7 patterns. Alison L
7 patterns
I'm Sarah Gamson or lilangel_sg2 on Instagram
This is a wonderful giveaway! There are 7 patterns in the ebook.
Good luck everyone!
Eve McGovern
7 patterns
Caroline Mayson
There are 7 patterns 😊
7 Kath Brown
I love your socks. There are seven patterns. My name is Jane Collins.
Beautiful socks, there are 7 patterns. Leigh Mitchell
7!Gemma G
7 patterns. Love the socks. Karen Stoner
7 patterns
Catherine Marshall
7 patterns Tina Samways
7 Patterns…..Mandy M.
4 patterns Betsy Grizzard
There are 7 patterns. Can't wait to have a go at helical knitting! Caro Bates
7 patterns in the book. All looks very exciting! Jo R
7 patterns
Lovely socks. Fun technique
Jane Barrett
Seven (said in the voice of Len Goodman) patterns in the book. Jan Burke
7 patterns.
7 patterns
There are seven patterns. Marie
7 patterns
Marilyn Sackman
Lovely socks! Just finished a pair of scrappy socks using helical stripes, it's fun isn't it!
Forgot to add the number of patterns, which is 7.
7 patterns Elaine Pepperman
7 patterns. Love helical socks!
What a clever technique and seven gorgeous patterns. Alison Rashbrook.
Seven! Thank you.
7 patterns (all of which I reckon I could find a use/recipient for, and heaven knows I already have plenty of yarn to practise with!).
7 patterns .. Christina Ford
7 patterns plus bonuses on ravelry
How wonderfully generous! I want to knit all 7 patterns!!
Helen Stephens
7 patterns. I’ve seen socks done like this…. they look fabulous. I’d love this. ❤️🧶❤️
Love new techniques! There are 7 patterns in the book
7 patterns. Beautiful socks, and great giveaway. Thanks!
There is 7 patterns but it says that there's a couple of bonus that will be on raverly. This looks like it's going to be a lovely book.
There are 7 patterns. Your socks look amazing.
Seven patterns – love to learn new techniques! – Jennifer Ley
7 patterns. Jane Knight
Seven patterns. What lovely things to knit up in a new method.
Mickey Reid
There are 7 patterns in the ebook 🙂
Seven pattern. Jackie D
7 patterns…..never heard of this method but would love to learn ��
Debbie Crabbe
7 patterns.
7 patterns. Thanks.
7 patterns, would love to try!
7, really like thsez socks always keen to learn something new.
Seven patterns. New technique to me but looks interesting.
7 patterns in this book what a lovely giveaway Christine. Such pretty colours In your socks would love to give this technique a try.
7 patterns. Patricia Rayner
There are 7 patterns in the book! I'd love to have a go with this technique!
Thanks for the chance to win 😁
There are 7 patterns, I’ve made one pair of helical socks but would love to learn some new patterns….
Lissie Wales x x
There are 7 patterns. I have been wanting to try this technique for some time, thanks for the opportunity of the giveaway.
Sorry, I forgot to write my name. Anne Dearle. There are 7 patterns. Looking forward to trying this technique.
7 patterns. It's always great to try new techniques.
7 patterns, this looks VERY interesting, I have never tried it…. Mary Murphy, Tipperary.
There are 7 patterns in the book that I would love to try �� Marie B
I’ve knitted many scrappy socks with this technique, be careful, it’s addictive �� I count 11 patterns in the book �� Judy Gee
Seven 7 patterns, what a lovely choice for a few more socks!
My name is Gui Trigo and would like to try it
There are seven and this is very exciting! ����
7 Fabulous socks Alison Moors
7 patterns. I have to try this!
Helle Vouzi
7 patterns
Julia Woodward
7 patterns.
There are 7 patterns.
Love your Web site. Christine.
7 patterns. I'm having 'a why did I wait so long' moment too
I'd love to try this as a lockdown project with my stash. 7 patterns in the book
A new technique to try, hopefully with 7 patterns! Thank you both.🥰
Those sock colours are really gorgeous, not a technique I’d heard of before. There are seven patterns in the book. Lindsay Rendall.
There are seven (7) patterns ~ Selma Halsall
7 amazing socks and I'd love to learn a new technique.
7 patterns. Sue Banks
I'm definitely going to give this a go!
7 patterns this is an interesting challenge for a novice sock knitter yes please
Lucky number 7!! Chris T in the Midlands
There are 7 patterns in the book. Thank you for sharing this technique. Sarah Price
There are 7 patterns in the ebook, looks amazing.
Rochelle Gordon
Ooh something I quite fancy trying, helical knitting!
There's 7 patterns in the book 🙂
Rachel King
There are Severn patterns in the book x
There are 7 patterns, would love to learn this new technique
There are 7 patterns in the book!
7 patterns �� joanne Vernon
Oh I love those socks! There are 7 patterns x
I am loving doing the helical technique on my stripey jumper! 7 patterns in the e book and I am Susan Rayner.
Fantastic! 7 patterns
7 patterns
There are 7 patterns. That sounds like a really interesting technique to try.
Seven. Jan Burke
wow awesome socks, there are 7 patterns in the book, thank you, my name is Judith
I found Helix knitting by accident last year and used it to knit charity hats from scraps in my stash. Great idea and I have used it since to alternate skeins of hand dyed yarn.
The e book looks like a great addition to my library so before I buy I will take a chance on winning. 7 patterns.
thanks for the chance to win there are 7 patterns
There are 7 patterns. Lynda Wainwright
There are 7 patterns x
Helical socks are on my ‘to do’ list! Seven patterns
Sarah Hicks
There are 7 patterns in the book Emma Brady
7 patterns, not heard of this knitting technique before so interested in giving it a try
There are seven patterns. It looks like an interesting technique.
Pat Williams
Have had a rummage through my yarn cupboard and , as is to be expected! there is a small mountain of left over yarn that would work brilliantly as helical stripes (any excuse to knit more socks, and not have to spend any money, win, win!)
There are 7 patterns.
Regards Pat Williams
Another technique I would like to have a go at. There are 7 patterns.
Karen Climpson xx
7 patterns, looks interesting. JudithW
Your socks are very pretty, it is amazing how the look of a yarn can be altered by using this technique. There are 7 patterns I the book. Julie Axtell.
7 Patterns and My name is ruan peat
There are 7 patterns . Would love to have a go at it
There are seven patterns and my name is Jane Winter. Your socks are beautiful by the way.
Gorgeous socks! There are 7 patterns. Would love to learn how to do this. Jill Ramage
There are 7 patterns and it looks very interesting.
Janet McDermott
7 patterns. A technique I have heard of but not tried yet. Mardi Sergi
7 patterns,from Elaine allerton
This would be great to try! There are 7 patterns. Thanks, Jocelyn Blink
I would love to learn this new technique. There are 7 patterns in the book. My name is Elaine Draper and thanks to Winwickmum Mum I now love knitting socks. ��
Seven patterns in the book. Beautiful socks! Pam Hancock
Seven patterns in the book. This technique sounds really interesting and my grandkids would love the rainbow design. Margaret Rhodes
There are 7 patterns in the book.
Jenny Fuller
This is wonderful. I'd love to learn about this, I often find colour changes offputting, so this may really help. There are 7 patterns in the book. Many thanks, Lisa Macmillan
Severn lovely patterns. Sandra Hughes
Hi Christine – 7 patterns in the eBook. Can't wait to have a go at this as I have enough wool to maybe do a sweater! xxx
There are 7 patterns. I've always wanted to try this technique as it sounds so interesting. ��
A new technique to learn – and something to help use up the ends of balls of yarn! 7 patterns in the book, Jean Hurrell
This looks really interesting. There are 7 patterns
7 Thank you for your inspiration 🙂
Happy Knitting Everyone! R X
7 patterns in total!! Yay! I hope I win!
7 Patterns I think I will have a try at this on my next sock 🧶🧶🧶
There are 7 patterns in the book. I've never heard of helix knitting before it looks intriguing. Just goes to show there is always something new to in life. X
Seven patterns Jayne huck
7 patterns. Karen
7 patterns. Looks really interesting. Thanks
7 patterns. Thanks Christime. Pat Taylor.
This is a completely new technique to me. There are 7 patterns. Claire Moore
Seven (7) patterns
Your socks are lovely, this looks like a technique I'd like to try out.
There are 7 patterns in the book.
Heather M
There are seven patterns. I'm looking forward to learning a new technique! Thank you for sharing. Nancy Carll
7 patterns. Elizabeth B
7 patterns. Karen Whittaker
7 patterns. I'd love to learn this! Gretchen
There are 7 patterns in the e-book. Another fascinating knitting technique, which I can't wait to try.
7 patterns in the book. And loving your helical socks too! Lillie G.
7 Joanne Lockwood
There are seven lovely patterns
Hilary B
There are 7 patterns. A new technique for me, my todo list is getting longer! Liz
There are 7 patterns. Thanks for the chance to win, stripy socks are the best!
7 patterns and I can't wait to try this technique! Cutting it fine on the deadline! Thank you, Emma Tanser.